WEEK 5 - Identification of Plants

Hello there dear fellow readers! It's already the fifth week of our field study and for this week our class were divided by two groups. The activity was to identify the plants around the field area.

Plant identification is the process of matching a specimen plant to a known taxon. It uses various methods, most commonly dichotomous keys or multi-access keys.
 There are many types of plants to classify, for example , woody plants, shrubs, herbs, ornamental plants, industrial crops (commercialized),major crops and fruits and vegetables.
We also can identify the plants whether they are monocotyledons or dicotyledons. 

My group was assigned to find and identified the ornamental plants around the field area. Ornamental plants are plants that are grown for decorative purposes in gardens and landscape design projects, as houseplants, cut flowers and specimen display. A few examples of ornamental plants are Cactus, Tulips, Roses and many more. 
We were walking around the field area to search for the ornamental plants.
Our group had found a few ornamental plants around the area. The plants that we found were Hibiscus rosa-sinensis ( Bunga Raya), Ixora coccinea (Bunga jenjarom),Ipomoea purpurea (Morning Glory) and many more.

After that, we were given a few minutes to write the identification of ornamental plants that we have found on the mahjong paper. 

The group members helped each other to find the scientific name,common name and characteristics of the plants. 
 Then, the last activity before we had our brunch was presentation. Each group from every class need to present infront of the lecturers, planters executives and classmates about their finding of plants.
This is the representative of our group for presentation. 
We had presented about the common name,scientific name, family and characteristics of the ornamental plants.

Last but not least,we were given a brunch break and our day ended with the singing of The Planter's Song.

I hope you guys learned a few things about identification of plants, especially ornamental plants. Now you can go to the nursery and identify and buy ornamental plants to decorate it around your house !
